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The Power of Email Marketing and Automation

The Power of Email Marketing and Automation Since the introduction and rapid development of online communications, business owners and marketing experts have started to realize the full potential of online marketing tools. In a time where dozens of online media channels are used for advertising and outreach, email marketing still remains one of the most…

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Is Your Website Built for Lead Generation?

Is Your Website Built for Lead Generation? Building a high-performance Lead Generating website is all about following a process. Processes are the basis of building a business. The same is true for your website, which is considered your online 24-hour marketplace. With the right optimization, your website allows you to connect with anyone in the…

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Surviving Facebook’s Latest Changes

It seems like every few months, Facebook rolls out another set of changes to keep us on our toes. And it only makes sense to do so in our ever-evolving environment. Between fake news accusations, politically polarizing articles, and generic marketing posts filling up your feed, Facebook is realizing how little people are actually interacting…