Always searching for ideas to blog about?  We are sharing 9 Tips to find bright ideas to blog about.

1. Set Google Alerts for certain keywords of interest to you and your business. Read other people’s post and get your own ideas. Write from your own experiences.  google-logo

2. Join other people’s newsletters and see what they are writing. Consider joining newsletters of experts in your field or successful people you admire.

3. Think of a question that most people ask you when you tell them what you do for business. Try to answer it in a post.

4. Post a Video Blog instead of a written post. Share your knowledge of something.

5. Check your SENT folder box for information as to what you have been sending to people. This will give you an idea of what people have been asking you.  email-integration-2

6. Ask someone to guest post on your blog and link back to theirs. This is good for all parties.

7. Use a blog post or article that you’ve read and link to it, elaborate on it or share your point of view on it. Remember to link back and give credit to original poster.

8. Recycle an older post of your own. Maybe the topic has changed a bit and needs updating or you can add a little more with fresh links or ideas.

9. Go off topic from time to time. This will make you easier to relate to and more personable to your customers.
