wave-64170_19207 Tips to Keep Healthy in the Workplace

With the holidays approaching us at what seems to be a faster rate each and every year, today we’ve decided to share seven tips on how to keep healthy in the workplace. These tips will keep you both physically and mentally healthy not only through the holiday season, but also year round. Why should you worry about your health at work? Not only does keeping healthy help you personally, it will also increase your energy and workflow in the office and it can help you love your job even more.

Stand Up – Sitting for hour on end at our desks results in us slumping more and more forward creating poor posture. It’s not bad to take a seat at your desk by any means, but if you feel yourself getting sluggish and tired, try standing at your desk to work. It will increase your blood flow and energy levels. Many businesses are now offering options to work at a standing desk.

Sit Up Straight – Standing desk not your thing? Let’s all drum up our memories of our parents constantly nagging us to sit up straight in our chairs. As mentioned above, poor posture is no good for your energy levels. By slumping over in our chairs, we are unable to breathe properly which is going to make us sleepy. In addition to sleepiness, it’s just terrible for our backs! So, listen to your parents, sit up straight for Pete’s sake!

Step Away from the Free Food – Ah, my nemesis: the free food that shows up in the office. We are already in the season for it; I sent my husband to work with our leftover Halloween candy. What to do? You can’t tell someone to not bring it in, but you can restrain yourself from over indulging. Make sure you have stocked your desk with tons of healthy options. Nuts, pretzels (not covered in chocolate), fruit and cheeses will give you the energy you need and not just a spike in your blood sugar. They will also keep you full so as to not tempt you to dip into the homemade cookies in the break room. Those you can send to me…

Keep Hydrated – Another important tip is to keep you hydrated throughout bottles-60479_1920the day. I know that I struggle with this, daily. It is important to make sure that you are drinking water throughout the day to keep a clear mind. Poor hydration can have a negative effect on our energy levels and concentration.

Go Away for Lunch – You’re only doing yourself and your work a disservice eating your lunch at your desk. You are not allowing yourself the proper time to nourish your body and give your mind a break from your day. That is your time; you’ve earned your lunch break. If you don’t have a break room to eat in or don’t want to eat there, take your lunch outside. Even your car would be better than spending it in front of your computer screen. When you’ve finished, go for a walk and gets some fresh air.

Get on the Move – Instead of sticking some papers in an inter-office envelope, get up from your desk and deliver the item to the person directly. You can save up a number of items to deliver around the office and use it an opportunity to get up from your desk and get some exercise.

Stretch – Stretching is oh so good for the body. Keep your muscles from cramactive-84646_1920ping up do some stretching. Yoga is an excellent practice to incorporate in your daily life. Even doing a few simple poses throughout your day will help keep your body and mind awake and alert and in the proper posture; all of which will help you to maintain focus and stay energized at work.

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